Saturday, May 16, 2020

Media and Its Affects - 1514 Words

Ruben Gonzalez Mrs. Buduson English 12 3/19/12 Entertainment and Social Media and their effects A nation like America is an example, of a country that has developed in terms of entertainment (Pearson 2). It is one of the countries that has got and has produced some of the greatest entertainers. The country is one of the leading producers of entertainment in the planet. In addition, it is one of the nations that there is a greater influence of entertainment on the younger generation. The effects of entertainment on the younger generation in America can be said to be both positive and negative. The influence is mostly on entertainment media such as television, radio, and the Internet. The influence on the upcoming generation†¦show more content†¦This is based on what is seen on the newspapers, magazines, or television. The product is seemed to be the best and most people make decisions based on what the media is showing. This creates influence, as people tend to trust the media. The same applies to the younger generation that is exposed to this form of entertainment. Th e effect and influence on the upcoming generation makes them buy what they watch over the televisions. This is mostly influenced by what they consider being their celebrities’ favorites. The upcoming generation will buy what favorite celebrity has advertised and what they deem to be acceptable in the society. This is based on the fashion that the media has created and imposed on the minds. The influence of the entertainment industry has had an effect on the youth’s obesity and anorexia nature. Many upcoming generations in the country are fighting obesity. This is happening, while, they are exposed to most advertisements that carry junk food advertisements. The advertisements are there, yet, they give ideal images of successful people as wealthy and thin. The women are the ones who are mostly affected with this type of influence. They are so obsessed with loosing even in cases which they are not declared as obese. Many women are thin in the society as they want to resem ble and look like the thin celebrities, and super models that they see in the images, in the entertainment industry. The women, are,Show MoreRelatedThe Media Affects Me?1313 Words   |  6 PagesThe Media Affects â€Å"Me†? When was the last time one stopped to think how much time he/she spends on the media, or the last time that one had a face to face conversation? According to the Pew Research Center, the use of smartphones in particular has increased an astounding 33% from 2011 to 2015 (Anderson). The media is affecting the general population, but most of all the development of children in more ways than adults, of which some may cause lifelong problems for the children. 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