Friday, December 20, 2019

The Harappan Civilization - 1105 Words

The Indus River Valley, located in present day Pakistan was a full-fledged civilization that emerged in 3300 B.C.E. The Harappan Civilization, stretching from present day Afghanistan to Pakistan contained vast amounts of small communities. The society was very technologically advanced and somewhat modeled the fundamentals of the society we live in today. The Harappan society was one of the earliest to have a system of writing; however historians have still not interpreted them today. Nevertheless, the society left us numerous archaeological and architectural ruins that provide much information. Harappa, an Indus River Valley that left us no written records, but only some remains helped us understand the society’s urban planning, trade, lifestyle and mortality rate. From the remains that were left by the Harappan society; today archaeologists can understand the civilization’s urban planning. In the last few years, archaeologists discovered major structures that belonged to the time period of 2600 B.C.E. These structures were made from baked bricks. These structures gave us clues about the material that was used from the planning of the city. From such remains, archaeologists were able to learn that house sand streets were laid out in a certain pattern, which was from North to South and East to West. There were multistoried houses that were found, giving us information that houses were present in the Harappan Civilization many like the ones today. There were also parts ofShow MoreRelatedThe Harappan Civilization And The Civilization1365 Words   |  6 PagesThe Harappan Civilization, or Indus Valley Civilization, was one of the most prosperous ancient civilizations in its heyday. Major urban areas exhibited advanced infrastructure, incl uding organized streets and paths, a sophisticated sewage system, and an operating method for drainage. 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